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  Item Type* Qty* Weight (KG)*  
Total :
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Contact Number:

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# Item Type Qty Weight (KG)
Total Qty
Total KGs
Total Amount
RM 0.00
Total SST
RM 0.00
Total Payable
  • The company is not responsible for any delay in delivery of goods / documents. All goods must be collected on the same day of arrival. Compensation up to maximum RM 150.00 ONLY for goods lost, provided with sufficient evidence. Compensation excluded for all item made from glass or contain glass, Fragile item, Liquid item, all kind of Foods, Frozen Food, Fruits and Vegetables, Drug, and all illegal item.
  • Deluxe Horizon Sdn. Bhd. (dhExpress) are not responsible for any damage and delay of these following goods or item such as, frozen food, all types of food, seafood product, life stock, animal, glassware and all types of drink pack in bottle or glass.
  • Rates are based on the total actual weight or the volumetric weight of all packages in a shipment, whichever is greater during counter take in.
    I/We declare that this consignment does not contain personal mail, cash, jewelry, contraband, illegal drugs, any prohibited items and commodities which can cause safety hazards while transporting.
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Total Payable :